
I have deployed my Laravel project on a shared host. In my project I'm using wkhhtmltopdf which is working fine on localhost, but is not working on live server and giving this error:

RuntimeException in AbstractGenerator.php line 336: The exit status code '127' says something went wrong: stderr: "sh: 1: /hermes/bosweb26a/b2003/ywh.xorlogics1/client/shisha/invoices/vendor/h4cc/wkhtmltopdf-amd64/bin/wkhtmltopdf-amd‌​64: not found " stdout: "" command: /hermes/bosweb26a/b2003/ywh.xorlogics1/client/shisha/invoices/vendor/h4cc/wkhtmltopdf-amd64/bin/wkhtmltopdf-amd‌​64 --lowquality '/tmp/knp_snappy57cecf069e11a3.25644949.html' '/tmp/knp_snappy57cecf069e1ff3.62352750.pdf'. "

Are you sure the shared host supports wkhtmltopdf, and has all the dependencies (e.g. libXrender) installed?iainn
As we have only access to shared hosting through control panel so we cant not install this package from ssh. Also we have discussed this issue with them , but they are not allowed to install this as this is a shared hosting.khusro khan
Get a VPS instead of shared hosting.Jørgen R

1 Answers


Wkhtmltopdf is a module that needs to be installed on the operating system. I think that the module is not installed on the shared host. If ever you have access to the shared host (ssh for example for a linux server) try to install wkhtmltopdf, or else try to get it installed by the hosting provider if possible.


In case that's impossible to get wkhtmlmodule installed on the shared hosting, the only solution is to switch to virtual or dedicated server plan. VPS (virtual private server) is a good alternative with prices sometimes almost the same as shared hosting.