I am trying create a template for my own invoices - according to http://odoo.guide/report-design-workshop/ I already failed with the simplest sceleton.
When trying to print the invoice I get "Record does not exist or has been deleted."
I am just wondering how I can get more information on what is wrong here. Some kind of debug or error log. I can see anything in /var/log/odoo/odoo-server.log.
What would be the default way in odoo to track down such error?
These are my views:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<t t-name="account.netknights_report">
<t call="report.netknights_layout">
<t t-foreach="docs" t-as="o">
<div class="page">
<div class="row">
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<t t-name="report.netknights_layout">
<t t-call="report.netknights_layout_header">
<t t-raw="0" />
<t t-call="report.netknights_layout_footer">
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<t t-name="report.netknights_layout_header">
<div class="header">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-xs-4 col-xs-offset-8">
<img src="/document/images/NetKnights-800px.png" />
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<t t-name="report.netknights_layout_footer">
<!-- Header Architecture -->
Then I created these external identifiers:
account.netknights_report account.netknights_report ir.ui.view 831
report.netknights_layout report.netknights_layout ir.ui.view 319
report.netknights_layout_footer report.netknights_layout_footer ir.ui.view 320
report.netknights_layout_header report.netknights_layout_header ir.ui.view 321