I am trying to add a cdn service to my Bluemix app. So before using the service, I need to configure the routes, which I did. I am using a trial version, so my app domain will be the normal Bluemix default, i.e. mybluemix.net. When I add the app url and the origin route to the cdn service domains tab, it displays the cname and states
CName for app improperly configured to ERROR:Resolver get NoAnswer.
Documentation for the cdn service says:
"Replace the CNAME target for your domain in your DNS provider record with the CNAME displayed".
I don't understand this, because my domain is the default trial one provided by Bluemix, i.e. mybluemix.net. So is there any way that I can view the DNS provider and update the Cname? Help me out if you have any idea. Need Help. Thanks!!