There is a subclass of NSImageView and the instance of CALayer is created, so we see a rectangle on the image. Questions is how to move this rectangle when mouse is down (when mouse pointer inside of the rectangle) and dragged. When mouse is up this rectangle (CALayer) should stay in the new position on the image.
For instance
class ImageViewWithRectangle: NSImageView
var shape : CAShapeLayer!
func drawRectangle()
shape = CAShapeLayer()
shape.lineWidth = 1.0
shape.fillColor = NSColor.clear().cgColor
shape.strokeColor = NSColor.gray().cgColor
shape.lineDashPattern = [1,1]
let path = CGMutablePath()
path.moveTo(nil, x: 1, y: 1)
path.addLineTo(nil, x: 1, y: 50)
path.addLineTo(nil, x: 50, y: 50)
path.addLineTo(nil, x: 50, y: 1)
self.shape.path = path