I'm making this app where users can have a profile picture (but only one picture each). I got everything set up, but when the pictures are 2mb+, it takes some time to load and actually I just need the pictures to be 50kb or so (only small display of pictures, max 40 pixels). I made some code to put the images directly into the realtime database (convert to canvas and make them a 7kb base64 string). However, this is not really clean and it's better to use Firebase Storage.
Since the new update 3.3.0 you can upload Base64 formatted strings to Storage, using the putString() method. However, when I upload my canvas image (which starts with "data:image/jpeg;base64,"), I get the error:
v {code: "storage/invalid-format", message: "Firebase Storage: String does not match format 'base64': Invalid character found", serverResponse: null, name: "FirebaseError"}.
Does this error occur because of string of the canvas image in the beginning? I've searched all over Stack, but I can't seem to find the answer.