I'm trying to filter certain packets with protocols using user input from a given pcap file and than move the packets to a new pcap file.
That the code I made so far:
# ===================================================
# Imports
# ===================================================
from scapy.all import *
from scapy.utils import PcapWriter
your going to need to install the modules below
from Tkinter import Tk
from tkFileDialog import askopenfilename
# ===================================================
# Constants
# ===================================================
#OS commands:
if "linux2" in sys.platform:
linux based system clear command
elif "win32" in sys.platform:
windows based system clear command
elif "cygwin" in sys.platform:
crygwin based clear command
CLEAR_COMMAND = "printf \"\\033c\""
elif "darwin" in sys.platform:
mac OS X based clear command
CLEAR_COMMAND = "printf \'\\33c\\e[3J\'"
#Usage string:
FILE_STRING = "please choose a pcap file to use"
BROWSE_STRING = "press any key to browser files\n"
BAD_PATH_STRING = "bad file please try agien\n"
BAD_INPUT_STRING = "bad input please try agien\n"
PROTOCOL_STRING = "please enter the protocol you wish to filter\n"
NAME_STRING = "please enter the new pcap file name\n"
# ===================================================
# Code
# ===================================================
def filter_pcap():
filtering from the given pcap file a protocol the user chooce (from any layer in the OSI model)
and than asks for a new pcap file name, than filters the given protocol to a new pcap file
:param none
:return nothing:
path = file_browse()
i = 0
filtertype = raw_input(PROTOCOL_STRING)
name = raw_input(NAME_STRING)
packs = rdpcap(path)
for i in range(len(packs)):
if filtertype in packs[i]:
wrpcap(name +".pcap", packs[i])
def file_browse():
Purpose: It will allow the user to browse files on his computer
than it will check if the path is ok and will return it
:returns - the path to the chosen pcap file
path = "test"
while ".pcap" not in path:
path = askopenfilename()
if ".pcap" not in path:
return path
Now the problem is that I'm failing to filter the packets correctly.
The code need to filter protocols from any layer and any kind.
I have checked that thread: How can I filter a pcap file by specific protocol using python?
But as you can see it was not answered and the user added the problems I had in the edit, if any one could help me it would be great
Example for how it should work: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- lets say i use the file "sniff" as my first pcap file and it has 489 packets when 200 from those packets are http packets.
now there is that print:
please enter the protocol you wish to filter
and than there is the print:
please enter the new pcap file name
the user input was 'http' now the program will search for every packet that run on http protocol and will create a new pcap file called 'new.pcap'.
the file 'new.pcap' will contain 200 http packets.
now that thing should work with any protocol on the OSI model including protocols like IP, TCP, Ethernet and so on (all the protocols in the ascii model).
I have found out that wireshark command line has the option -R and tshark has .protocols, but it dont really work... Can any one check that?
edit: i found pyshark but i dont know how to write with it