Python provides a nice method for getting length of an eager iterable, len(x)
that is. But I couldn't find anything similar for lazy iterables represented by generator comprehensions and functions. Of course, it is not hard to write something like:
def iterlen(x):
n = 0
while True:
n += 1
except StopIteration: pass
return n
But I can't get rid of a feeling that I'm reimplementing a bicycle.
(While I was typing the function, a thought struck my mind: maybe there really is no such function, because it "destroys" its argument. Not an issue for my case, though).
P.S.: concerning the first answers - yes, something like len(list(x))
would work too, but that drastically increases the usage of memory.
P.P.S.: re-checked... Disregard the P.S., seems I made a mistake while trying that, it works fine. Sorry for the trouble.
reimplementing a bicycle
- almost like reinventing the wheel, only a programmer said it. – Cullub