I am using naudio with SineWaveProvider32 code directly from http://mark-dot-net.blogspot.com/2009/10/playback-of-sine-wave-in-naudio.html to generate sine wave tones. The relevant code in the SineWaveProvider32 class:
public override int Read(float[] buffer, int offset, int sampleCount)
int sampleRate = WaveFormat.SampleRate;
for (int n = 0; n < sampleCount; n++)
buffer[n + offset] =
(float)(Amplitude * Math.Sin((2 * Math.PI * sample * Frequency) / sampleRate));
if (sample >= sampleRate) sample = 0;
return sampleCount;
I was getting clicks/beats every second, so I changed
if (sample >= sampleRate) sample = 0;
if (sample >= (int)(sampleRate / Frequency)) sample = 0;
This fixed the clicks every second (so that "sample" was always relative to a zero-crossing, not the sample rate).
However, whenever I set the Amplitude variable, I get a click. I tried setting it only when the buffer[] was at a zero-crossing, thinking that a sudden jump in amplitude might be causing the problem. That did not solve the problem. I am setting the Amplitude to values between 0.25 and 0.0
I tried adusting the latency and number of buffers as suggested in NAudio change volume in runtime but that had no effect either.
My code that changes the Amplitude:
public async void play(int durationMS, float amplitude = .25f)
PitchPlayer pPlayer = new PitchPlayer(this.frequency, amplitude);
await Task.Delay(durationMS/2);
pPlayer.provider.Amplitude = .15f;
await Task.Delay(durationMS /2);