
I am getting an error on SQL Server 2012. Whenever I am trying to connect with with the database, I get this error:

Cannot connect to the database.

ERROR [08001] [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][DBNETLIB] SQL Serverdoes not exist or access denied.

ERROR [01000] [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][DBNETLIB]ConnectionOpen (Connect()).

enter image description here

The server is localhost and authorization have also done with the correct username and password but still it is the same result, I have also tried the Windows Authorization

Does anyone know any solution for this error?

try to connect to a server that does exists or one that you have access to?Lamak
does not exist or access denied seems obvious enough... find the server, and/or figure out the credentials you need.Marc B
@MarcB the server is localhost and Authorization have also done with the correct username and password but still it is the same result, i have also tried the windows AuthorizationDan
Is your service for SQL server running?p2k
@Pinwar13 yes it is running !Dan

2 Answers


Make sure Named Pipes and TCP IP protocols are enabled.


If you are trying to connect from some tool or application from other machine, try by entering the actual server name (SERVERNAME\INSTANCE) instead of localhost.