I had version Oracle DB - Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - Production.
Is it possible in the body ORACLE scheduler job somehow exclude full stop on an error when one of procedures has invalidation?
p.s. I tried to solve, BUT invalidation procedure for exmple EXAMPLE1_POINTS stopped working scheduler job
ORA-06550: line 19, column 3: PLS-00905: object MON.EXAMPLE1_POINTS is invalid ORA-06550: line 19, column 3: PL/SQL: Statement ignored
scheduler job body
begin begin EXAMPLE1_POINTS('Да','новый"'); EXCEPTION when OTHERS then null; end; begin EXAMPLE2_POINTS('Да','средний"'); EXCEPTION when OTHERS then null; end; begin EXAMPLE3_POINTS('Да','старый"'); EXCEPTION when OTHERS then null; end; end;