I have 3 tables in my SQL database (EmployeeMaster
, TripPayroll
, Deduction
I need to reflect in the 1st 3 columns of my datagrid the IDNo, LastName, FirstName of all employees in EmployeeMaster. Then in the 4th column of the datagrid, I want to sum the amount from TripPayroll of the IDNo of employee in the 1st column. The code should sum the amount from TripPayroll with the same IDNo as in the 1st Column. Then in the 5th column of the Datagrid, I want to sum all the amount from Deduction Table of the with the same IDNo as in the 1st column but if the IDNo has no corresponding IDNo in the Deduction Table, the value is 0.00. then in the 6th column, I want to get the difference by subtracting the Amount in TripPayroll - Deduction.
string cs = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["DbaseConnection2"].ConnectionString; SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(cs); con.Open();
SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter("SELECT EmployeeMaster.IDNo, EmployeeMaster.LastName, EmployeeMaster.FirstName, COUNT(TripPayroll.DTRNo) AS No_Trip, SUM(TripPayroll.Rate) AS Gross_Pay, ISNULL(SUM(Deduction.Amount),'0.00') AS Deduction, SUM(TripPayroll.Rate)-ISNULL(SUM(Deduction.Amount),'0.00') AS Total_Pay FROM EmployeeMaster LEFT JOIN TripPayroll ON EmployeeMaster.IDNo = TripPayroll.IDNo LEFT JOIN Deduction ON EmployeeMaster.IDNo=Deduction.IDNo WHERE (TripPayroll.DeliveryDate <= '" + PayrollCutOff.Text + "') AND (TripPayroll.Status = 'Complete') GROUP BY EmployeeMaster.LastName, EmployeeMaster.FirstName,EmployeeMaster.IDNo", con);
DataSet ds = new DataSet();
Payroll_List.DataSource = ds.Tables[0];
Thank you.