You are trying to convert my ANTLR3 grammar for MySQL to ANTLR4? Remove all the comment rules in the lexer and insert this instead:
// There are 3 types of block comments:
// /* ... */ - The standard multi line comment.
// /*! ... */ - A comment used to mask code for other clients. In MySQL the content is handled as normal code.
// /*!12345 ... */ - Same as the previous one except code is only used when the given number is a lower value
// than the current server version (specifying so the minimum server version the code can run with).
{checkVersion(getText())}? // Will set inVersionComment if the number matches.
| .*? '*/'
) -> channel(HIDDEN)
// inVersionComment is a variable in the base lexer.
MYSQL_COMMENT_START: '/*!' { inVersionComment = true; setChannel(HIDDEN); };
VERSION_COMMENT_END: '*/' {inVersionComment}? { inVersionComment = false; setChannel(HIDDEN); };
BLOCK_COMMENT: '/*' ~[!] .*? '*/' -> channel(HIDDEN);
POUND_COMMENT: '#' ~([\n\r])* -> channel(HIDDEN);
DASHDASH_COMMENT: DOUBLE_DASH ([ \t] (~[\n\r])* | LINEBREAK | EOF) -> channel(HIDDEN);
You need a local inVersionComment
member and a function checkVersion()
in your lexer (I have it in the base lexer from which the generated lexer derives) which returns true or false, depending on whether the current server version is equal to or higher than the given version.
And for your question: you cannot have actions in alternatives. Actions can only appear at the end of an entire rule. This differs from ANTLR3.
keyword – daisy