I am Working on a football game project in unity. This is a 2-player android game in which each team will have 5 players... i have setup all the game and now i got stuck in Networking. I want to do networking using the UNET not Photon.
For this, I have read the unity documentation for networking at this link : https://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/UNetSetup.html
Its very easy and work fine because in their documentation there is one cube only for which they setup the player prefab. But, in my case there are 5 players for each team and 1 soccer ball and one football field. I have no idea whether i have to setup player prefab for all the team members(gameobjects) or there is any other solution to this because i dont want my game to be slowed down.
PS: i am beginner in game development, any good solution or opinion will be really appreciated, Thanks