
I am using the AWS SDK, using federated identity providers with Cognito. Right now, I'm doing this:

private void SetupCognitoStuff()
    _cognitoCredentials = new CognitoAWSCredentials(
        MY_IDENTITY ID, // Identity Pool ID
        _awsRegion); // Region

    if (_identityProviderName != null)
        _cognitoCredentials.AddLogin(_identityProviderName, _identityProviderToken);

    _identityId = GetIdentityId();

This works fine to create or retrieve the user's credentials, using Facebook as the identity provider. I also cache the Cognito Identity ID in the app's settings.

So, now let's say that the next time the user uses my app, they choose a different login provider (let's say Google). I've already cached their Cognito Identity ID from the last time that they logged in (via Facebook). When I instantiate CognitoAWSCredentials this time, how to I tell it that I want to use the existing Cognito Identity ID, and that Google should be added as a second identity provider, instead of it creating a whole new Cognito identity?

Looking at the documentation for the raw API, it should be possible:

Merging Identities

If you pass in a token for a login that is not currently linked to the given identity, but is linked to another identity, the two identities are merged. Once merged, one identity becomes the parent/owner of all associated logins and the other is disabled. In this case, the identity ID of the parent/owner is returned. You are expected to update your local cache if this value differs (this is handled for you if you are using the providers in the AWS Mobile SDKs or AWS SDK for JavaScript in the Browser).

So if this is the case, then how does it know (i.e. how do I tell it) what existing Identity ID to use when calling my above function with a different identity provider?

From this page, it looks like it can be done via the raw API by calling GetCredentialsForIdentity and passing in the existing Identity ID in the "IdentityId" field and the new identity provider info in the "Logins" field:

Request Syntax


"CustomRoleArn": "string",

"IdentityId": "string",



        "string" :



I'm just not sure how to translate this into the SDK using the CognitoAWSCredentials class.


1 Answers


Update the login map of the credentials object with provider 2 token once you authenticated via provider 1. You need to update the Logins map of the credentials object to include the Google's one. You could figure out how it is done for your sdk. E.g. for javascript, you could just do

AWS.config.credentials.params.Logins['accounts.google.com'] = googleToken;

Javascript reference