
Let's say I have a class defined something like the below:

namespace MyProject.MyConstants
    public class Constants
        public class Group1Constants
            public const string DoIt= "DoIt";

I am trying to use this const, from a separate project, in my xaml. I included the namespace:


and am trying to use the constant as follows:

<MenuItem Header="{x:Static controls:Constants.Group1Constants.DoIt}">

The above wont compile though, saying that

Cannot find the type 'Constants.Group1Constants'. Note that type names are case sensitive.

I must be missing something simple. All I want to do is use some constants from a class in different project in my xaml.

Any suggestions?


2 Answers


Try this one:

<MenuItem Header="{x:Static constants:Constants+Group1Constants.DoIt}">

I used "+" instead of "." to reference the nested class. Not sure if you'll run into problems doing this though.


For textbox label text field constants in XAML I use:

Text="{x:Static local:[myConstantNamesClass].[name of constant string in your constant class]}" 

and then need to build the solution to make it accessible.

(Note that the local: XAML namespace would be set to reference the CLR namespace of the Constants class at the very top of the XAML file.)