How DaynamoDB stores data?
DynamoDB uses partition to store the table records. These partitions are abstracted from users and managed by DynamoDB team. As data grows in the table, these partitions are further divided internally.
What these dynamo streams all about?
DynamoDB as a data-base provides a way for user to retrieve the ordered changed logs (think of it as transnational replay logs of traditional database). These are vended as Dynamo table streams.
How data is published in streams?
Stream has a concept of shards (which is somewhat similar to partition). Shards by definition contains ordered events. With dynamo terminology, a stream shard will contains the data from a certain partition.
Cool!.. So what will happen if data grows in table or frequent writes occurs?
Dynamo will keep persisting the records based on HashKey/SortKey in its associated partition, until a threshold is breached (like table size and/or RCU/WCU counts). The exact value of these thresholds are not shared to us by dynamoDB, Though we have some document around rough estimation.
As this threshold is breached, dynamo splits the partition and do the re-hashing to distribute the data (somewhat) evenly across the partition.
Since new partitions have arrived, these data will be published to its own shards (mapped to its partition)
Great, so what about Lambda? How the parallel processing works then.
One lambda function process records from one and only one shard. Thus the number of shards present in the dynamo stream will decide the number of parallel running lambda function.
Vaguely you can think of, # of partitions = # shards = # of parallel lambda running.