
I built working iBeacon app where beacons getting monitored and ranging correctly, the work flow for now is like this

  1. Monitor
  2. Check event ENTER/EXIT
  3. ranging a beacon entered or exited a region

However I would like to know when to stop monitoring and ranging a beacon !


2 Answers


For most apps, there is no reason to ever stop either monitoring or ranging. The main reason people think they need to do so is to conserve battery. But iOS CoreLocation and the Android Beacon Library automatically put limits on beacon scanning when apps are in the background to keep battery use in check.

Unless your app is designed to be kept running in the foreground for an extended period of time, or it takes extra measures to extend background ranging time, there is usually no reason to limit ranging. Most of my apps start both monitoring and ranging at startup and never stop.

Of course, there are use cases where you simply do not want to get beacon discovery callbacks any more, so if this applies to your app then by all means turn off ranging and Monitoring as appropriate.


You can stop monitoring for a beacon when the task for the beacon is completed for the day/period.

For example:
A user enters the beacon region, you send a notification and your task is done. If the same user exits the region and enters again, you don't wanna bug them with multiple notifications. Hence you stop monitoring for a day or a particular amount of time.