I am trying to get a sheet to send an email when a save button is pressed. It should send it only when the right criteria is validated. The save button also copies form content onto a records page and then clears the form but the email function should happen first. Currently everything works but the email
Here is what my script looks like for the email section of the code:
function emailReferals(){
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActive();
var sheet = ss.getSheetByName('namedSheet');
var dataRange = sheet.getRange('X44:Z53');
// Fetch values for each row in the Range.
var data = dataRange.getValues().toString();
for (i in data) {
var send = [0][0];
var recipients = [0][1];
var subject = [0][2];
var message = [0][3];
if(send === 'Send'){
Note this is not a startRow numRow as seen in many tutorials for emails such as https://developers.google.com/apps-script/articles/sending_emails My data is deep in the page so I am calling a range such as x44:Z53 in the example.
The cells I am pulling from say things like: =CONCATENATE(Form!B3," for ",Form!D3) and =CONCATENATE(Form!D5, " was repremended for ",Form!D3,": ",Form!B7," by ",Form!F4)
Do I need to use row[#] or am I OK with [#][#]?
Also do I need something to clarify send ==='Send"?
Any help getting this work would be greatly appreciated.
I think Email notifications with body/subject containing cell value may have something that I'm missing, but I am not enough of a programmer to figure out what I'm missing?
Edit to show full code:
function onOpen() {
SpreadsheetApp.getUi().createMenu('My Menu').addItem('Copy Cells', 'copyCells').addToUi();
//send emails for Discipline Referrals to proper authorities.
function emailDNRReferals(){
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActive();
var sheet = ss.getSheetByName('HouseSort');
var dataRange = sheet.getRange('X44:Z53');
// Fetch values for each row in the Range.
var data = dataRange.getValues().toString();
for (i in data) {
//var row = data[i];
var send = [0][0];
var recipients = "[email protected], [email protected]";
var subject = [0][2];
var message = [0][3];
if(send == 'Send'){
//Save and clear the form
function SaveDNRRecords() {
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActive();
var source = ss.getSheetByName('Form');
var records = ss.getSheetByName(source.getRange('A1').getValues()); //get the tab to send the save data to.
var val = source.getRange('B3:G11').getValues(); //get the cells with information to copy
// get values from zero indext cells and save to records.
// 2,2=StudentD5.2,0=BehaviorD3.1,4=UserF-G4.0,0=CatagoryB3.0,2=BehaviorD3.4,0=NoteB-D7.8,5=TotalG11. Nulls leave space for houses on line 14.
var write = [val[2][2], val[2][0], val[1][4], new Date(), val[0][0], val[0][2], val[4][0], val[8][5],null, null, null, null, null, null,null];
write[Number(val[3][3].match(/(\d+)/)[0]) + 7] = val[8][5];
var referrals = ss.getSheetByName('DisciplineReferrals'); //Save some data to the DisciplineReferrals tab.
var val2 =source.getRange('D1:J1').getValues(); // gather content that shows only if B3=Disipline Referral
var write = [val2[0][1], val2[0][2], val2[0][3], val2[0][0], val2[0][4], val2[0][5], val2[0][6]]; //Zero indext row from D1 to J1
referrals.appendRow(write); //Write the data to the first available row on the selected (line 8) term tab.
//Clear the cells for the next use.
source.getRange('B7:D7').mergeAcross(); // this merges the cell to self heal potential user error.
//Clear the form without saving.
function clearDNRForm() {
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActive();
var source = ss.getSheetByName('Form');