User presses the red dome button (is not a 2 state button), hence it has to toggle upon the first press "0"->"1" & when pressed again "1"->"0".
Therefore, when pressed, the serial monitor will print "1"s from "0"s at every 100ms. The behaviour signals that the buttonState is toggled from LOW to HIGH
Furthermore, an LED stripe is also connected to arduino. Therefore, when the buttonstate displays a HIGH in the serial monitor, the LED state will toggle to HIGH after a delay of 10s and will remain in HIGH state for 10s before toggling to a LOW state.
Lastly, the buttonState should toggle from HIGH to LOW after a delay(25s), without user physically pressing the button.
At this point, user has to press the red dome button to toggle between LOW & HIGH state. Hence, when the button initial state is LOW, it shows "0"s in the serial monitor and when pressed, button will toggle to HIGH, shows "1"s in the serial monitor and when button is pressed again, it will toggle from HIGH to LOW, showing "0"s in the serial monitor.
Hence, I would like to ask for assistance on how to allow the buttonstate to toggle from HIGH to LOW without user pressing the button.
therefore, correctBehaviour:
initial state: "0"s are shown in serial monitor and when user presses button buttonstate shows "1"s in serial monitor and after a count of 25s, the buttonstate will toggle to LOW without user pressing the button again.
const int buttonPin = 2; //the number of the pushbutton pin
const int Relay = 4; //the number of the LED relay pin
uint8_t stateLED = LOW;
uint8_t btnCnt = 1;
int buttonState = 0; //variable for reading the pushbutton status
int buttonLastState = 0;
int outputState = 0;
void setup() {
pinMode(buttonPin, INPUT);
pinMode(Relay, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(Relay, LOW);
void loop() {
// read the state of the pushbutton value:
buttonState = digitalRead(buttonPin);
// Check if there is a change from LOW to HIGH
if (buttonLastState == LOW && buttonState == HIGH)
outputState = !outputState; // Change outputState
buttonLastState = buttonState; //Set the button's last state
// Print the output
if (outputState)
switch (btnCnt++) {
case 100:
stateLED = LOW;
digitalWrite(Relay, HIGH); // after 10s turn on
case 200:
digitalWrite(Relay, LOW); // after 20s turn off
case 202: // small loop at the end, to do not repeat the LED cycle
if (btnCnt > 0) {
// disable all:
stateLED = LOW;
digitalWrite(Relay, LOW);
btnCnt = 0;