I'm having this issue on one of my ads for an ios game
Here is my code, the odd thing is that if I add the device on the request.testDevices list it displays the demo banner, if I remove from testDevices, it does not show a real banner, but if I change my bundleIdentifier on XCODE, it shows a real banner,so I believe its something with my admob account, does anyone ever got something like it?
Its always failing with this error:
AdView didFailToReceiveAdWithError --------------------------- : Error Domain=com.google.ads Code=1 "Request Error: No ad to show." UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=Request Error: No ad to show., NSLocalizedFailureReason=Request Error: No ad to show.}
On my AppDelegate.m
- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions {
// Use Firebase library to configure APIs
[FIRApp configure];
[[FIRAnalyticsConfiguration sharedInstance] setAnalyticsCollectionEnabled:YES];
// Initialize Google Mobile Ads SDK
[GADMobileAds configureWithApplicationID:@"ca-app-pub-xx~xx"];
/* other stuff here... */
on my rootViewController.m
// Implement viewDidLoad to do additional setup after loading the view, typically from a nib.
- (void)viewDidLoad {
[super viewDidLoad];
bannerViewAdded = NO;
interstitialViewAdded = NO;
[self addBanner];
// ..... more stuff here;
- (void)addBanner{
if(!bannerViewAdded && ![MKStoreManager isFeaturePurchased:kFeatureAId]){
CGSize size = [[CCDirector sharedDirector] winSize];
// Create adMob ad View (note the use of various macros to detect device)
bannerView = [[GADBannerView alloc] initWithAdSize:kGADAdSizeLeaderboard];
bannerView.center = CGPointMake(size.width/2, (size.height-CGRectGetHeight(bannerView.frame)/2)-2);
else if (IS_IPHONE6) {
bannerView = [[GADBannerView alloc] initWithAdSize:kGADAdSizeBanner];
bannerView.center = CGPointMake(size.width/2, (size.height-CGRectGetHeight(bannerView.frame)/2)-2);
else if (IS_IPHONE6P) {
bannerView = [[GADBannerView alloc] initWithAdSize:kGADAdSizeBanner];
bannerView.center = CGPointMake(size.width/2, (size.height-CGRectGetHeight(bannerView.frame)/2)-2);
else {
// boring old iPhones and iPod touches
bannerView = [[GADBannerView alloc] initWithAdSize:kGADAdSizeBanner];
bannerView.center = CGPointMake(size.width/2, (size.height-CGRectGetHeight(bannerView.frame)/2)-2);
//[bannerView setBackgroundColor:[UIColor blueColor]];
// Need to set this to no since we're creating this custom view.
//bannerView.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = NO;
// Note: Edit SampleConstants.h to provide a definition for kSampleAdUnitID
// before compiling.
// Replace this ad unit ID with your own ad unit ID.
bannerView.adUnitID = @"ca-app-pub-xx/xx";
bannerView.rootViewController = self;
bannerView.delegate = self;
[self.view addSubview:bannerView];
GADRequest *request = [GADRequest request];
//request.testDevices = @[ kGADSimulatorID ];
//request.testDevices = @[ @"xx", @"xx" , kGADSimulatorID ];
[bannerView loadRequest:request];
bannerViewAdded = YES;
- (void)removeBanner {
bannerViewAdded = NO;
[bannerView removeFromSuperview];
[bannerView release];
bannerView = nil;
//No AdMOB
localBannerAdded = NO;
[localBannerButton removeFromSuperview];
[localBannerButton release];
localBannerButton = nil;
- (void)addInterstitial{
if(!interstitialViewAdded && ![MKStoreManager isFeaturePurchased:kFeatureAId]){
interstitialView = [[GADInterstitial alloc] initWithAdUnitID:@"ca-app-pub-xx/xx"];
GADRequest *request = [GADRequest request];
// Requests test ads on devices you specify. Your test device ID is printed to the console when
// an ad request is made. GADBannerView automatically returns test ads when running on a
// simulator.
//request.testDevices = @[ kGADSimulatorID, @"xxx", @"xxx" ];
[interstitialView loadRequest:request];
[interstitialView setDelegate:self];
- (void)adView:(GADBannerView *)gadBannerView didFailToReceiveAdWithError:(GADRequestError *)error{
NSLog(@"AdView didFailToReceiveAdWithError --------------------------- : %@", error);
[self removeBanner];
CGSize size = [[CCDirector sharedDirector] winSize];
localBannerButton = [[UIButton buttonWithType:UIButtonTypeRoundedRect] retain];
localBannerButton.frame = CGRectMake(0.0, 0.0, 320.0, 50.0);
[localBannerButton setTitle:@"DOWNLOAD MORE FREE GAMES" forState:UIControlStateNormal];
localBannerButton.backgroundColor = [UIColor whiteColor];//[UIColor clearColor];
[localBannerButton setTitleColor:[UIColor blackColor] forState:UIControlStateNormal ];
[self.view addSubview:localBannerButton];
[localBannerButton setCenter:CGPointMake(self.view.center.x,(size.height-CGRectGetHeight(localBannerButton.frame)/2)-2)];
// Add Target-Action Pair
[localBannerButton addTarget:self action:@selector(openAppStore:) forControlEvents:UIControlEventTouchUpInside];
localBannerAdded = YES;