For app icons we should use the mipmap
folder. Now I added the following folders to the Resources
- mipmap-hdpi
- mipmap-ldpi
- mipmap-mdpi
- mipmap-xhdpi
- mipmap-xxhdpi
- mipmap-xxxhdpi
In each of these folders there is a ic_launcher.png
for the app icon and the build action is AndroidResource
Now I can't set the Application Icon
in the Android Manifest
. It doesn't appear there. What I'm missing?
I deleted the default icon in the drawable
folder and removed the entry in Android Manifest
. On build I got
No resource found that matches the given name (at 'icon' with value '@drawable/icon').
File: ...\SomeApp.Droid\obj\Debug\android\manifest\AndroidManifest.xml
There was an entry in MainActivity
which was the old reference to Icon = @drawable/icon
. Now I changed to Icon = @mipmap/ic_launcher
and the error was gone.