I'm learning Swift to create a game for iOS, but I'm struggling to work out how the sprites will collide and interact with the background.
The basic game will be a ball that you guide down a maze, but the maze can be several times bigger than the screen. The maze could be a large bitmap, or made up of tiles but I haven't decided yet based on how to make the ball interact with the maze.
I could make all the tiles in the maze sprite nodes and then let SpriteKit work it out, but I think that's not a great choice.
Then there's SpriteKit edge bodies as show here - https://developer.apple.com/library/mac/documentation/GraphicsAnimation/Conceptual/SpriteKit_PG/Physics/Physics.html Could I use these on the parts of the maze that the ball might collide with?
The other issue is that the maze surfaces might be rounded so the collisions and physics would need to cope with that too.
All of the examples I can find seem to be sprites colliding with other sprites. But what about sprites and a background?
Does anyone have any clever ideas on how to solve the problem, or can you point me at an example that may help please?