
I'm trying to convert a column of a data frame (DA$Date), but I'm not getting it.

In my column has numbers like 1012010 corresponding to 1 January 2010. I'm using the command

dates <- as.Date (DA $ Date, format = "% d% m% y")

but the result leaves


[1] "10/12/2001"

That does not match the correct date.

Already used the command

dates2 <- as.POSIXct (as.numeric (as.character (DA $ data)), origin = "2010-01-01")

but not got success.

Exemple of column Date

1012010 1012010 1012010 1012010 1012010 1012010 1012010 1012010 1012010 1012010 2012010 2012010 2012010 2012010 2012010 2012010 2012010 2012010 2012010 2012010 3012010 3012010 3012010 3012010 3012010 3012010 3012010 3012010 3012010 3012010 3012010 3012010 3012010 2012010 3012010 4012010 4012010 4012010 4012010 4012010 4012010 4012010 4012010 4012010 4012010 4012010 4012010 4012010 4012010 4012010 4012010 4012010 4012010 4012010 4012010 4012010 4012010 4012010 4012010 4012010 4012010 5012010 5012010 5012010 5012010 5012010 5012010 5012010 5012010 5012010 5012010 5012010 3012010 6012010 6012010 2012010 6012010 2012010 6012010 6012010 6012010 6012010 6012010 6012010 6012010 6012010 6012010 6012010 6012010 6012010 6012010 6012010 7012010 7012010 7012010 7012010 7012010 7012010 7012010

Try with dmy(1012010) from library(lubridate)akrun
please show us some some more rows from your column to help specify the date format. Your example is ambiguous as it could be day/month or month/day. given your code, it looks like the months have leading zeroes?Shawn Mehan
do you have variable number of digits in your datasetakrun
In your data, is the day always 2 digits long? Is the month? For example, would February 9, 2010 be written as "292010", or "02092010"? The second case would be much easier to handle.jdobres
I added a column sampleDos Anjos Filho

1 Answers


We can do this by padding 0 at the front and then use as.Date with format = "%d%m%Y"

as.Date(sprintf("%08d", v1), "%d%m%Y")
#[1] "2010-01-01" "2010-01-06" "2010-01-16" "2010-12-01" "2010-12-15"


v1 <- c(1012010, 6012010, 16012010, 1122010, 15122010)