I have a DynamoDB's Table called "ZombieSession" and the "SessionId" primary key with "S" type.
The local service is running in http://localhost:8181.
For local tests, I'm trying execute these commands:
aws dynamodb delete-item --table-name ZombieSession --key '4ae40a08-007c-4785-babd-caff0ed12d1d' --endpoint-url http://localhost:8181 --region us-east-1
That results in:
Error parsing parameter '--key': Invalid JSON: '4ae40a08-007c-4785-babd-caff0ed12d1d'
aws dynamodb delete-item --table-name ZombieSession --key '{"SessionId":{"S":"4ae40a08-007c-4785-babd-caff0ed12d1d"}}' --endpoint-url http://localhost:8181 --region us-east-1
That results in:
Error parsing parameter '--key': Invalid JSON: '{SessionId:{S:4ae40a08-007c-4785-babd-caff0ed12d1d}}'
I don't found any documentation example about this.
What's the appropriate command for this operation?