I have completed setting up kendo UI grid (angularJs version) for my web api. I have included sever side pagination. It sends take, skip, page and pageSize options for each page changed request.
Here I would like to create my own search model in the api, bind those value to the JS object and then post the data to the server.
I am wondering if I could get the values for events associated with grids like : page change, pageSize.
My Custom Data fields to be Sent :`
public class SearchModel
public int PageNo { get; set; }
public int PageSize { get; set; }
public string SortOrder { get; set; }
public string SortColumn { get; set; }
So these specified fields in the server side needs to be populated. For this an object can be made in JS with these identical field and the values should be populated from the grid pagination events. Like pageNo and the page Size.
How to do this using angular js ?