
I am using Oracle Data Miner 11g Release 2 to predict poker hand. The data set I am using is UCI poker hand data set from http://archive.ics.uci.edu/ml/datasets/Poker+Hand.

I am new to oracle so I refer to the oracle tutorial in http://www.oracle.com/webfolder/technetwork/tutorials/obe/db/11g/r2/prod/bidw/datamining/ODM11gR2.htm for data mining

So far I have managed to create workflow in the tutorial but am stuck on setting up the data source.

How can I insert the UCI poker hand data set and add it to the data source?

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1 Answers


Oracle data sources are tables. So you need to create tables to hold the UCI data. There are two data sets: a training set and a real set. You could create one table to hold both but it's probably easier to have a separate table for each.

The data sets comprise eleven numeric columns so the structure is straightforward:

create table training_poker_hand (
    S1 number,
    C1 number,
    S2 number,
    C2 number,
    S3 number,
    C3 number,
    S4 number,
    C4 number,
    S5 number,
    C5 number,
    CLASS number

The table for the real data will have the same structure.

Once you have the tables, you need to insert the data. The UCI data sets files of comma-separated values. The tutorial uses SQL Developer, so assuming you're using that tool it's easy enough to import CSV data into a table: just follow That Jeff Smith's instructions.