I am unable to run remote installation of windows component on a remote server using sysocmgr.exe. It is working with psexec.exe \\ServerName -i sysocmgr.exe /i:%wnidir%\inf\sysoc.inf /u:\\path\to\components.txt
but I want to achieve the same results using powershell remoting.
I have powershell remoting with WinRM working fine, but I am unable to run remotely sysocmgr.exe using PowerShell.
What I've done on both servers (local and remote):
Set-ExecutionPolicy unrestricted
- OKSet-Item WSMan:\localhost\Client\TrustedHosts *
- I have restarted the WinRM service, and it is working
Having all this working on both servers, I set up a persistent remote session using New-PSSession:
$s = NewPSSession -ComputerName Server1
Then I tried to launch powershell script (script.ps1) which is saved on accessible share to all servers and contains:
sysocmgr.exe /i:%wnidir%\inf\sysoc.inf /u:\\path\to\components.txt
I used Invoke-Command:
Invoke-Command -Session $s -FilePath \\NetworkShare\Scripts\script.ps1
After launching the above invoke-command I can see on remote server (server1) in task manager, that sysocmgr.exe is running, but it does nothing. The windows component installation does not start ...
I tried using:
enter-pssession -computername Server1
- worked fine
I tried to launch script1.ps1 and it did the same thing, I can see the sysocmgr.exe in Task Manager, but it does nothing ...
I think I am missing some parameter for interacting with desktop, like in psexec the "-i" parameter, which I cannot find in powershell ...
Thank you for your help.