After a couple of days I almost given up but in the middle of the night I got a brilliant idea to get it all working. What if I make a ajax call to a sub domain on the webserver which is running in 64bit mode with virtual directories containing the indexed directories of the sites running in 32bit application mode.
Next day after a restless sleep I got to work, added a new subdomain in IIS7 added virtual directories to the indexed directories of the websites. and added a 'indexer.asp' page which contains a request handler.
<%@ Language=VBScript %><%
Option explicit
dim RequestIndex, strFileError, RequestSearchString, FSOA, RequestMax
sub DoIndexSearch(target, RequestIndex)
dim foundfilearray:foundfilearray=false
dim ixQuery ' Index Server query object.
set ixQuery = Server.CreateObject("ixsso.Query")
if (Err.description <> "") Then
strFileError= ("<div><strong>Query object Error : " & Err.description & ".</strong></div>")
response.write strFileError
Exit sub
end if
ixQuery.Query =(target)
'ixQuery.SortBy = "DocLastSavedTm[d]"
ixQuery.SortBy = "Rank[d]"
ixQuery.Columns = "FileName," 'Parameter: columns returned (one this case a one dimensional array)
ixQuery.LocaleID = 1043 'Parameter: language
ixQuery.MaxRecords =RequestMax 'Parameter: max returned documents
ixQuery.Catalog = RequestIndex 'IndexService ' Which indexing service
' Create a search utility object to allow us to specify the search type as deep,meaning it will search recursively down through the directories
dim util
set util = Server.CreateObject("ixsso.Util")
util.AddScopeToQuery ixQuery, Server.MapPath(RequestIndex), "deep"
if (Err.description <> "") Then
strFileError= ("<div><strong>Search Utility Error : " & Err.description & "</strong></div>")
response.write strFileError
Exit sub
end if
' Run the query (i.e. create the recordset).
dim QueryRS
set queryRS = ixQuery.CreateRecordSet("nonsequential")
' Check the query result. If it timed out or return no records, then show
' an appropriate message. Otherwise, show the hits.
if (Err.description <> "") Then
strFileError= "<div><strong>search error : " & Err.description & "</strong></div>"
response.write strFileError
set queryRS = nothing
set ixQuery = nothing
set util = nothing
Exit sub
elseif queryrs.recordcount = 0 then
strFileError="<div><strong>no documents found.</strong></div>"
response.write strFileError
set queryRS = nothing
set ixQuery = nothing
set util = nothing
Exit sub
FSOA= QueryRS.getrows()
set queryRS = nothing
set ixQuery = nothing
set util = nothing
Exit sub
end if
end Sub
call DoIndexSearch(RequestSearchString,RequestIndex)
dim strTestResult
strTestResult= "<html><head></head><body style=""font-family:Verdana, arial"">"
strTestResult=strTestResult& "<h1>Testing 64bit classic asp indexing using windows 2008 64bit server</h1>"
strTestResult=strTestResult& "<h3>Search in index <em>"&RequestIndex&"</em> for <em>"&RequestSearchString&"</em> with max <em>"&requestMax&"</em> results</h3>"
strTestResult=strTestResult& "<p>Using a seperate website running a 64bit classic pool, wich contains a virtual directory named after the Index which contains the path to the directory of the website that is indexed.</p>"
strTestResult=strTestResult& "<p>The returned results is a one dimensional array containing the filenames where searchstring is found in. This array can be passes back using ajax/json</p>"
if isarray(fsoa) then
strTestResult=strTestResult& " <hr>"
strTestResult=strTestResult& "<fieldset><legend>Found items for "&RequestSearchString&" </legend>"
dim xloop:xloop=0
strTestResult=strTestResult& " <ol>"
for each xloop in fsoa
strTestResult=strTestResult& "<li>"&Xloop&" </li>"
strTestResult=strTestResult& " </ol></fieldset></body></html>"
strTestResult=strTestResult& "<hr>"
strTestResult=strTestResult& "<h1>AJAX return array</h1>"
strTestResult=strTestResult& " no items found"
end if
' response.write strTestResult ' (Remark when done testing)
if strFIleError="" then
dim ajaxresult
for each xloop in FSOA
ajaxresult=ajaxresult & ucase(Xloop) &"|"
response.write ajaxresult
end if
Then I made a request page on one of the websites running in 32bit application mode:
dim FSOA 'return documents file array
'search inside documents
sub DoSearchText(target, indexservice)
'target = search string
'indexservice = catalog name (index service)
dim IndexArray() 'one dimensional array for index result
dim xmlhttp, tempArray, IndexUrl
'url to the 64bit indexer subdomain
IndexURL = ("http://indextest.subdomain.local/indexer.asp?Index="&IndexService&"&Search="&target&"&Size=50")
set xmlhttp = CreateObject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP") "GET", IndexURL, false
xmlhttp.send ""
if xmlhttp.status >= 400 and xmlhttp.status <=599 then
response.write " error processing: " &xmlhttp.status &" - "&xmlhttp.statusText
tempArray= xmlhttp.responseText
end if
set xmlhttp = nothing
'put result into a array
FSOA= split(tempArray,"|")
end Sub
call DoSearchText("chapter one", "sitebooks")
if isarray(FSOA) then
dim docloop
for each docloop in FSOA
response.write "<div>"&docloop&"</div>"
response.write "No documents found"
end if
- Parse indexing service catalog name, search string, max resulted documents
- In subdomain create virtual directories (named as the index catalog) that redirects to the original location of the directory that has been indexed
- Add a indexer.asp page that handles the request calls
- alter existing request object code of original webpage to make a ajax call to above subdomain
- Make a Ajax request from asp classic website running in 32bit application mode to a 64bit application and return results.
- You can also include adobe PDF Ifilter (64bit) to index PDF and read inside PDF files.
- Easy to alter existing asp code of sites. Minor changes
- Run indexer on separate 64bit pool and subdomain
- Add multiple catalogs easy maintained on one location
- Making the impossible possible: running asp classic with 64bit indexing service in 32bit application mode