
I have started using a TDD approach to develop a small app that reads data from Excel files. Using a repository pattern type approach I have come to a hurdle which baffles me.

In order to read the Excel files, I am using the OpenXml-SDK. Now typically reading from an Excel file using the SDK requires several if not more steps to actually get the values you want to read.

The approach I have taken thus far is reflected in the following test and accompanying function.

    public void GetRateData_ShouldReturn_SpreadSheetDocument()
        var fpBuilder = new Mock<IDirectoryBuilder>();
        fpBuilder.Setup(fp => fp.FullPath()).Returns(It.IsAny<string>());

        var doc = new Mock<IOpenXmlUtilities>();
        doc.Setup(d => d.OpenReadOnlySpreadSheet(It.IsAny<string>()))

        swapData = new SwapRatesRepository(fpBuilder.Object, doc.Object);

        var result = swapData.GetRateData();


public class SwapRatesRepository: IRatesRepository<SwapRates>
    private const string SWAP_DATA_FILENAME = "DATE_MKT_ZAR_SWAPFRA1.xlsx";
    private IDirectoryBuilder builder;
    private IOpenXmlUtilities openUtils;

    public SwapRatesRepository(IDirectoryBuilder builder)
        // TODO: Complete member initialization
        this.builder = builder;

    public SwapRatesRepository(IDirectoryBuilder builder, 
                                       IOpenXmlUtilities openUtils)
        // TODO: Complete member initialization
        this.builder = builder;
        this.openUtils = openUtils;

    public SwapRates GetRateData()
        // determine the path of the file based on the date
        builder.FileName = SWAP_DATA_FILENAME;
        var path = builder.FullPath();

        // open the excel file
        using(SpreadsheetDocument doc = openUtils.OpenReadOnlySpreadSheet(path))
            //WorkbookPart wkBookPart = doc.WorkbookPart;
            //WorksheetPart wkSheetPart = wkBookPart.WorksheetParts.First();
            //SheetData sheetData = wkSheetPart.Worksheet
            //                                 .GetFirstChild<SheetData>();


        return new SwapRates(); // ignore this class for now, design later 

However, the next steps after the spreadsheet is open would be to actually start interrogating the Excel object model to retrieve the values. As noted above, I making use of mocks for anything open xml related. However, in some cases the objects can't be mocked(or I don't know how to mock them since they are static). That gave rise to IOpenXmlUtilities which are merely simple wrapper calls into the OpenXml-SDK.

In terms of design, we know that reading data from excel files is a short term solution (6-8 months), so these tests only affect the repository/data access for the moment.

Obviously I don't want to leave the TDD approach(as tempting as it is), so I am looking for advise and guidance on how to continue my TDD endeavours with the OpenXml SDK. The other aspect relates to mocking - I am confused as to when and how to use mocks in this case. I don't want to unknowingly writes tests that test the OpenXml-SDK.

*Side note: I know that the SOLIDity of my design can be improved but I leaving that for now. I have a set of separate tests that relate to the builder object. The other side effect that may occur is the design of an OpenXML-SDK wrapper library.

Edit: Unbeknown at the time, by creating the OpenXML-SDK wrappers for the OpenXML-SDK, i have used a design pattern similar (or exact) called the Adaptor pattern.

Not sure if this will be useful to you but here: stackoverflow.com/questions/3356503/…Ingó Vals

1 Answers


If you can't mock it and can't create a small unittest, it might be better to take it to a higher level and make a scenario test. You can use the [TestInitialize] and [TestCleanup] methods to create a setup for the test.

using Pex and Moles might be another way to get it tested.