
I'm new to Sitecore and I have an issue while trying to retrieve item/s by specific language by the following steps:

  1. Added new language for an item through the content editor which (i.e "ar" and culture info is "ar-AE" )
  2. get the language by either of following (both fails):

    • SC.Globalization.Language lang = SC.Globalization.Language.Parse("ar-AE"); // and tried by replacing culture with ("ar")
    • SC.Globalization.Language lang = SC.Data.Managers.LanguageManager.GetLanguage("ar-AE"); // and also tried by replacing culture with ("ar")
  3. SC.Context.SetLanguage(lang, true);

The Response: I'm able to get only "en" items and when I change the language (by the above mentioned code), items are retrieved properly but fields are empty.

Note: I've checked Sitecore DB Master -> VersionedFields[Language] and found the other languages of the same item saved as "ar-AE" (only single item version is used)


I'm using filter to change the whole API language by the following code:

public class LanguageChecker : System.Web.Mvc.ActionFilterAttribute
    // Set Default Language
    public override void OnActionExecuting(ActionExecutingContext filterContext)
        SC.Globalization.Language lang = SC.Data.Managers.LanguageManager.GetLanguage("en");

         if (filterContext.HttpContext.Request.Headers["Accept-Language"] != null || filterContext.HttpContext.Request.Headers["Accept-Language"].ToLower() == "ar")
            // lang = SC.Globalization.Language.Parse("ar");
            lang = SC.Data.Managers.LanguageManager.GetLanguage("ar-AE");

        SC.Context.SetLanguage(lang, true);

and annotated this filter in the API Main Controller (just like any filter)

So, I'm calling the item by:

 SC.Data.Items.Item item = context.GetItem(SC.Data.ID.Parse(id));
  • in this case I don't have to change the language for each item.
Are you trying to switch the language for the user or just get a specific item in a different language?jammykam
I need to get item by language and I think 'SC.Context.SetLanguage(lang, true);' on the parent API Controller's constructor will change itMoamen Naanou
so your issue is detecting the current language? I had similar problemsLiam
not detecting current language, just need to get item in different language which already I'm able to see it in DBMoamen Naanou
Ok, now I'm not clear what your problem is? Can you show a full code snippet and show exactly which part of your code isn't workingLiam

2 Answers


Normally, to get the item in any language you use LanguageSwitcher

var item = Sitecore.Context.Item;
using (new Sitecore.Globalization.LanguageSwitcher("ar"))
    arItem = item.Database.GetItem(item.ID);

This usage will dispose the LanguageSwitcher and reset the original language


Try using static methods on the Database class. Something like this might work: Sitecore.Context.Database.GetItem(item.ID, Language.Parse("ar"));