
I want to query my dynamoDB using only the Hashkey. My table(name = testTable) schema is as follows:

  • String autoID (HashKey)
  • String AlexandriaID (RangeKey)
  • String docType

My dynamoDBQueryExpression is:

String hashKey = "dummyHashKey";

testTable hashKeyValues = new testTable();


DynamoDBQueryExpression<testTable> queryExpression = new DynamoDBQueryExpression<testTable>();

//Assuming I have a dynamoDBMapper object mapper

List<testTable> docList = mapper.query(testTable.class, queryExpression);

I am expecting a list of testTable objects having same autoID. As I am new to this, please correct me if I am wrong.

Nothing happens when i make mapper.query() call.

Referring comment by Vikdor at the StackOverflow question query using hashKey in dynamoDB

Further Edits:

My exact QueryMethod:

public void queryFromRFIDocumentDetails(String hashKey){
    System.out.println((new Throwable()).getStackTrace()[0].toString() + "***Enter***");

    testTable hashKeyValues = new testTable();

    System.out.println("AutoID for hashKeyValues " + hashKeyValues.getAutoID());
    System.out.println("DocTYpe for hashKeyValues " + hashKeyValues.getDocType());
    System.out.println("AlexandriaID for hashKeyValues " + hashKeyValues.getAlexandraiID());

    DynamoDBQueryExpression<testTable> queryExpression = new DynamoDBQueryExpression<testTable>();

    System.out.println("calling mapper.query");  //nothing happens after this

    List<testTable> docList = new ArrayList<testTable>();
    docList = mapper.query(testTable.class, queryExpression);

    for(int i=0; i<docList.size(); i++){
        System.out.println("***iterating at retrieved index " + i);
        System.out.println("AutoID for retrieved document " + docList.get(i).getAutoID());
        System.out.println("DocTYpe for retrieved document " + docList.get(i).getDocType());
        System.out.println("AlexandriaID for retrieved document " + docList.get(i).getAlexandraiID());

Stack Trace of my Program:

Calling method to save objects in the table:

***iterating at index 0
[java] AutoID for document to be saved abc
[java] DocTYpe for document to be saved foo
[java] AlexandriaID for document to be saved id1
[java] com.amazon.sduservice.db.dynamoDB.saveInRFIDocumentDetails(dynamoDB.java:201)***Enter***
[java] com.amazon.sduservice.db.dynamoDB.saveInRFIDocumentDetails(dynamoDB.java:203)***Exit***
[java] ***iterating at index 1
[java] AutoID for document to be saved abc
[java] DocTYpe for document to be saved foo
[java] AlexandriaID for document to be saved id2
[java] com.amazon.sduservice.db.dynamoDB.saveInRFIDocumentDetails(dynamoDB.java:201)***Enter***
[java] com.amazon.sduservice.db.dynamoDB.saveInRFIDocumentDetails(dynamoDB.java:203)***Exit***
[java] ***iterating at index 2
[java] AutoID for document to be saved abc
[java] DocTYpe for document to be saved foo
[java] AlexandriaID for document to be saved id3
[java] com.amazon.sduservice.db.dynamoDB.saveInRFIDocumentDetails(dynamoDB.java:201)***Enter***
[java] com.amazon.sduservice.db.dynamoDB.saveInRFIDocumentDetails(dynamoDB.java:203)***Exit***
[java] hashKey is abc

Calling method to query the table on the basis of autoID:

[java] com.amazon.sduservice.db.dynamoDB.queryFromRFIDocumentDetails(dynamoDB.java:207)***Enter***
[java] AutoID for hashKeyValues abc
[java] DocTYpe for hashKeyValues null
[java] AlexandriaID for hashKeyValues null
[java] calling mapper.query

Scan Operation output on the table:

Scanning Table RFIDocumentDetails
 [java] {docType={S: foo,}, autoID={S: abc,}, alexandriaID={S: id1,}}
 [java] {docType={S: foo,}, autoID={S: abc,}, alexandriaID={S: id2,}}
 [java] {docType={S: foo,}, autoID={S: abc,}, alexandriaID={S: id3,}}
 [java] {docType={S: pdf,}, autoID={S: HashKey,}, alexandriaID={S: alexandriaID1,}}
 [java] {docType={S: pdf,}, autoID={S: HashKey,}, alexandriaID={S: alexandriaID2,}}
 [java] {docType={S: foo,}, autoID={S: asdf,}, alexandriaID={S: id1,}}
 [java] {docType={S: foo,}, autoID={S: asdf,}, alexandriaID={S: id2,}}
 [java] {docType={S: foo,}, autoID={S: foo,}, alexandriaID={S: id1,}}
 [java] {docType={S: foo,}, autoID={S: foo,}, alexandriaID={S: id2,}}
 [java] Scanning Table Finishes 

testTable Class:

public class testTable {    
   private String autoID;   
   private String docType;  
   private String alexandriaID;     

   public String getAutoID(){   return autoID;} 
   public void setAutoID(String autoID){    this.autoID = autoID;}      

   public String getAlexandraiID(){ return alexandriaID;}   
   public void setAlexandriaID(String alexandriaID){    this.alexandriaID = alexandriaID;}      

   public String getDocType(){  return docType;}    
   public void setDocType(String docType){  this.docType = docType;}    

Does your table contain the autoId value "dummyHashKey" ?notionquest
Have you iterated the list docList and checked the result?notionquest
@notionquest Yes, in the previous steps i have added multiple objects in the table using mapper.save() and two of them have autoId as "dummyHashKey". In my code, i am already iterating the list after mapper.query() but nothing happens after calling mapper.query().Keshav Sharma
Do you mean you have insert and read for the same key in the same program? All execute as a single unit? If yes, please run insert separately and read separately just to debug the issue.notionquest
@notionquest Yes, I am making both the calls in the same method. Let me separate them and get back to you. Thanks.Keshav Sharma

1 Answers


As discussed, the problem seems to be in getAlexandraiID declaration.

Please change the method name as mentioned below:-


public String getAlexandraiID(){ return alexandriaID;} 


@DynamoDBRangeKey(attributeName = "alexandriaID")
public String getAlexandriaID() {
    return alexandriaID;