I want to query my dynamoDB using only the Hashkey. My table(name = testTable) schema is as follows:
- String autoID (HashKey)
- String AlexandriaID (RangeKey)
- String docType
My dynamoDBQueryExpression is:
String hashKey = "dummyHashKey";
testTable hashKeyValues = new testTable();
DynamoDBQueryExpression<testTable> queryExpression = new DynamoDBQueryExpression<testTable>();
//Assuming I have a dynamoDBMapper object mapper
List<testTable> docList = mapper.query(testTable.class, queryExpression);
I am expecting a list of testTable objects having same autoID. As I am new to this, please correct me if I am wrong.
Nothing happens when i make mapper.query()
Referring comment by Vikdor at the StackOverflow question query using hashKey in dynamoDB
Further Edits:
My exact QueryMethod:
public void queryFromRFIDocumentDetails(String hashKey){
System.out.println((new Throwable()).getStackTrace()[0].toString() + "***Enter***");
testTable hashKeyValues = new testTable();
System.out.println("AutoID for hashKeyValues " + hashKeyValues.getAutoID());
System.out.println("DocTYpe for hashKeyValues " + hashKeyValues.getDocType());
System.out.println("AlexandriaID for hashKeyValues " + hashKeyValues.getAlexandraiID());
DynamoDBQueryExpression<testTable> queryExpression = new DynamoDBQueryExpression<testTable>();
System.out.println("calling mapper.query"); //nothing happens after this
List<testTable> docList = new ArrayList<testTable>();
docList = mapper.query(testTable.class, queryExpression);
for(int i=0; i<docList.size(); i++){
System.out.println("***iterating at retrieved index " + i);
System.out.println("AutoID for retrieved document " + docList.get(i).getAutoID());
System.out.println("DocTYpe for retrieved document " + docList.get(i).getDocType());
System.out.println("AlexandriaID for retrieved document " + docList.get(i).getAlexandraiID());
Stack Trace of my Program:
Calling method to save objects in the table:
***iterating at index 0
[java] AutoID for document to be saved abc
[java] DocTYpe for document to be saved foo
[java] AlexandriaID for document to be saved id1
[java] com.amazon.sduservice.db.dynamoDB.saveInRFIDocumentDetails(dynamoDB.java:201)***Enter***
[java] com.amazon.sduservice.db.dynamoDB.saveInRFIDocumentDetails(dynamoDB.java:203)***Exit***
[java] ***iterating at index 1
[java] AutoID for document to be saved abc
[java] DocTYpe for document to be saved foo
[java] AlexandriaID for document to be saved id2
[java] com.amazon.sduservice.db.dynamoDB.saveInRFIDocumentDetails(dynamoDB.java:201)***Enter***
[java] com.amazon.sduservice.db.dynamoDB.saveInRFIDocumentDetails(dynamoDB.java:203)***Exit***
[java] ***iterating at index 2
[java] AutoID for document to be saved abc
[java] DocTYpe for document to be saved foo
[java] AlexandriaID for document to be saved id3
[java] com.amazon.sduservice.db.dynamoDB.saveInRFIDocumentDetails(dynamoDB.java:201)***Enter***
[java] com.amazon.sduservice.db.dynamoDB.saveInRFIDocumentDetails(dynamoDB.java:203)***Exit***
[java] hashKey is abc
Calling method to query the table on the basis of autoID:
[java] com.amazon.sduservice.db.dynamoDB.queryFromRFIDocumentDetails(dynamoDB.java:207)***Enter***
[java] AutoID for hashKeyValues abc
[java] DocTYpe for hashKeyValues null
[java] AlexandriaID for hashKeyValues null
[java] calling mapper.query
Scan Operation output on the table:
Scanning Table RFIDocumentDetails
[java] {docType={S: foo,}, autoID={S: abc,}, alexandriaID={S: id1,}}
[java] {docType={S: foo,}, autoID={S: abc,}, alexandriaID={S: id2,}}
[java] {docType={S: foo,}, autoID={S: abc,}, alexandriaID={S: id3,}}
[java] {docType={S: pdf,}, autoID={S: HashKey,}, alexandriaID={S: alexandriaID1,}}
[java] {docType={S: pdf,}, autoID={S: HashKey,}, alexandriaID={S: alexandriaID2,}}
[java] {docType={S: foo,}, autoID={S: asdf,}, alexandriaID={S: id1,}}
[java] {docType={S: foo,}, autoID={S: asdf,}, alexandriaID={S: id2,}}
[java] {docType={S: foo,}, autoID={S: foo,}, alexandriaID={S: id1,}}
[java] {docType={S: foo,}, autoID={S: foo,}, alexandriaID={S: id2,}}
[java] Scanning Table Finishes
testTable Class:
public class testTable {
private String autoID;
private String docType;
private String alexandriaID;
public String getAutoID(){ return autoID;}
public void setAutoID(String autoID){ this.autoID = autoID;}
public String getAlexandraiID(){ return alexandriaID;}
public void setAlexandriaID(String alexandriaID){ this.alexandriaID = alexandriaID;}
public String getDocType(){ return docType;}
public void setDocType(String docType){ this.docType = docType;}