I have integrated sagepay with Asp MVC my application by using direct integration,and i am sending details like product name,product detail,amount ,CustomerEmail means all field which need but when i am selecting paypal in sagepay page and selecting Pay with Guest user means by using paypal i want to make payment by card,the form where i have to fill card details,shipping address,and also Customer Email and contact number,address is displaying but contact number and Customer email is not auto populating in form...for sending data to sagepay i have used below code:
var data = "VendorTxCode=" + invoiceDetails.InvoiceNumber;
// data += "&Amount=" + Math.Round((feeAmount+taxAmount),2);
data += "&Amount=" + Math.Round(feeAmount, 2);
data += "&Currency=" + CurrencyCode;
data += "&Description=" + eventname;
data += "&CustomerName=" + invoiceDetails.ebecs_PrimaryContact.Name + "";
data += "&CustomerEMail=" + email;
data += "&BillingSurname=" + surname;