I want to use Elastic Stack for log aggregation for fetching logs from 10 machines. I wish to install Filebeat on 10 machines & grab the logs from each machine and send it to a centralized Logstash server which is installed in a separate machine. In separate machine, Logstash Elasticsearch & Kibana is installed. I require Logstash as I want to do processing & parsing of data after gathering the logs using beats.
As per this architecture, I am facing some issues of identifying and parsing the logs. How to make logstash identify to collect logs from multiple beats server's at once? Can i specify multiple host in logstash-beats plugin so that logstash will parse all the logs from 10 machines at once?
Should i define separate document_type in all the 10 machines as part of Filebeat Configuration which can be later leveraged in Logstash so that I define multiple types (using wildcard - tomcat*) in filter plugin.
Sample Filebeat Configuration for Single Machine Setup:-
################### Filebeat Configuration Example #########################
############################# Filebeat ####################################
- /location/to/file/catalina.out
document_type: tomcat1
scan_frequency: 5s
input_type: log
hosts: ["<host-of-the-machine-on-which-logstash-is-installed>:5044"]
pretty: true
rotateeverybytes: 10485760 # = 10MB
This type of setup will be done on all 10 machines wherein value of document_type will only change.
Sample Logstash Configuration for Single Machine:-
input {
beats {
host => "ip/of/machine/1"
port => 5044
filter {
elasticsearch {
hosts => "localhost:9200"
index => "logs-%{+YYYY.MM.dd}"
stdout { codec => rubydebug }
More ideas are welcome.