Images not displaying in webpage interface while it was fine and displayed in localhost.
I made an app with Laravel 5.2 and it was correct in localhost but after updaing it online we faced a very bad problem. All images which come from database aren't showing in webpage interface. I am storing images in Laravel root directory storage folder and image links to database table. Each image gets the exact stored image URL value but is not displaying properly. Also when I copied the image URL and pasted it in my browser it said :
Whoops, looks like something went wrong
I am accessing images via this method
<img src="{{url::to('mvimage/'.$image->image) }}" />
I am accessing image via route.php by using this method
Route::get('mvimage/{file_name}', function($filename){
$path = storage_path('app').'\mvimage\\'.$filename;
$image = \File::get($path);
$mime = \File::mimeType($path);
return \Response::make($image, 200)->header('Content-Type', $mime);