I have a bootstrap3-based template and I am adding angular2 to it.
I need to change the body's classes , which is my root component selector,when changing the route from the SignIn to the rest of the application.
Root Component
selector: 'body',
directives: [ROUTER_DIRECTIVES],
templateUrl: '<router-outlet></router-outlet>'
export class AppComponent {
loggedIn = true;
@HostBinding('class.home-page') homeBodyClasses = false;
@HostBinding('class.login-page') loginBodyClasses = false;
constructor(private router: Router) { }
ngOnInit() {
if (!this.loggedIn) {
} else {
this.router.events.subscribe(event => {
if (event instanceof NavigationEnd) {
if (event.urlAfterRedirects === '/SignIn') {
this.homeBodyClasses = false;
this.loginBodyClasses = true;
this.homeBodyClasses = true;
this.loginBodyClasses = false;
I subscribed to the router navigation events but nothing happens when the url is changed although the values for the @HostBinding are changed.
I tried emitting events from the children components to the body and change the body tag to catch the event like this but nothing happened.
<body (eventName) = "changeBodyClass($event)"></body>
What am I doing wrong ? I don't understand when should I change the values of @HostBinding so that it takes effect. I am using angular2.0.0-rc.5
and remove them inngOnDestroy()
. – Yassmeen Mahmoud