Is there a possibility to connect Google Apps - Forms with Sheets?
What I want to do: I created a survey now I have all the answers and I would like to present these in a proper way.
My solution right know:
I converted the answers from Forms into a Spreadsheet (this one I want to design a bit better). Therefore I am writing a script which copies the first row and column (by column) (where all of the questions are written) to another sheet (the sheet where I would like to display the answers in my way), where I list this single questions horizontally underneath each other.
Now I got all the questions from sheet1 into sheet2. Now my struggle: Every question of a form has answers, these answers I would like to copy besides the questions in sheet2 and count the frequency how often an answer was selected.
But I also want to display the answer to the question even it wasn't selected. So is there a possibility to connect Forms with sheets?
In attachment you will find a sketch of my idea of displaying the data.
Hopefully you understand my question.
Thanks guys.