I am building an Android application that has specific requirements regarding Bluetooth Low Energy.
I need to write to a Write-only characteristic and receive responses on a separate notification characteristic, and I need to do it in many, many activities. Is there a Rx way to send a request on the 1st characteristic, wait for the answer on the second one, then proceed to another request?
Also, to share my instance of RxAndroidBle I thought about doing some sort of BleManager Singleton where I would expose the Observables, so I can easily subscribe to them in my Presenter. I just want to avoid having to copy the connection logic for each activity and have (ideally) a persistant connection. This way I could only expose the connectionObservable and subscribe to it, so I can easily send Write Requests and get Notifications, but I am sure there is a better way to do it.
This is what I have for now:
public class BleManager {
private PublishSubject<Void> disconnectTriggerSubject = PublishSubject.create();
private Observable<RxBleConnection> connectionObservable;
private boolean isConnected;
private final UUID CTRL_FROM_BRIDGE_UUID = UUID.fromString("someUUID");
private final UUID BLE_WRITE_CHARACTERISTIC_UUID = UUID.fromString("someOtherUUID");
private final RxBleClient bleClient;
private String mMacAddress;
private final Context context;
private RxBleDevice bleDevice;
public BleManager(Context context, RxBleClient client) {
Timber.d("Constructing BleManager and injecting members");
this.context = context;
this.bleClient = client;
public void setMacAddress(String mMacAddress) {
this.mMacAddress = mMacAddress;
// Set the associated device on MacAddress change
bleDevice = bleClient.getBleDevice(this.mMacAddress);
public String getMacAddress() {
return mMacAddress;
public RxBleDevice getBleDevice() {
return bleClient.getBleDevice(mMacAddress);
public Observable<RxBleScanResult> getScanSubscription() {
return bleClient.scanBleDevices().distinct();
public Observable<RxBleConnection> getConnectionSubscription() {
if (connectionObservable == null) {
connectionObservable = bleDevice.establishConnection(context, false)
.compose(new ConnectionSharingAdapter());
return connectionObservable;
public Observable<byte[]> setupListeners() {
return connectionObservable.flatMap(rxBleConnection -> rxBleConnection.setupNotification(CTRL_FROM_BRIDGE_UUID))
.doOnNext(notificationObservable -> Timber.d("Notification Setup"))
.flatMap(notificationObservable -> notificationObservable)
private void triggerDisconnect() {
public Observable<byte[]> writeBytes(byte[] bytes) {
return connectionObservable.flatMap(rxBleConnection -> rxBleConnection.writeCharacteristic(
private boolean isConnected() {
return bleDevice.getConnectionState() == RxBleConnection.RxBleConnectionState.CONNECTED;
* Will update the UI with the current state of the Ble Connection
private void registerConnectionStateChange() {
bleDevice.observeConnectionStateChanges().observeOn(AndroidSchedulers.mainThread()).subscribe(connectionState -> {
isConnected = connectionState.equals(RxBleConnection.RxBleConnectionState.CONNECTED);
private void clearSubscription() {
connectionObservable = null;