
I was trying to create VBA code in Excel for Mac and save it in the Personal Macro Workbook. The VBA code does not work and I would like to delete it.

I went to Developer -> Macros -> Delete but I got the message "Cannot edit a macro on a hidden workbook - Unhide the workbook using the unhide command". So I went to Format -> Sheet but the unhide command was not available.

Then I thought, maybe the worksheet is protected? I went to Review -> Protection -> Workbook, but I have no password to input... it says it is optional anyway. I unclick "Protect Structure" but now I can't click "OK" anymore so I am stuck...


1 Answers


Open list of macros (Alt+F8), select your macro, click "Step Into" and delete the code of your macro from Sub nameOfYourMacro to End Sub. If the window with question appear, click "OK". Save this window and close it.