
I have sets of documents that looks like this:

    "Name": "Document1",
    "Properties": {
      "Property1": [
    "Tags": null
    "Name": "Document2",
    "Properties": {
      "Property1": [
    "Tags": null
    "Name": "Document3",
    "Properties": {
      "Property1": [
    "Property2": [
    "Tags": null

I need to query for any documents where the the Property1 array within the Properties node has more that 1 item. In my example above I would expect to only get back Document1 and Document3. I have spent a great deal of time experimenting with the Array_Contains syntax but keep coming up short. Here is what my latest attempt looks like:

SELECT * FROM Docs d WHERE ARRAY_LENGTH([d.Properties, 'Property1']) > 1

But with my syntax I get back every document.


1 Answers


You need a query like the following:

SELECT * FROM Docs d WHERE ARRAY_LENGTH(d.Properties.Property1) > 1

Note that DocumentDB's grammar works over hierarchical nested data, and you can access properties like d.Properties.Property1, d.Properties.Property1[0], etc. like in a programming language.