
Since we had moved TFS Application Tier to a different server the TFS builds have stopped working. Whenever I try to start a build it fails with the following error:

TF215097: An error occurred while initializing a build for build definition \My\Build: TF214007: No build was found with the URI vstfs:///Build/Build/8320. Either the URI does not exist, or NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE does not have permission to access it.

The set up is following:

Server TFSAT contains the TFS Application Tier and a build controller. Server TFSBUILD contains a build agent and a build service running under NT AUTHORITY\NetworkService account. The build agent uses build controller on server TFSAT.

I have already triple-checked that the network service account TFSBUILD$ belongs to the team project collection's group Project Collection Build Service Accounts.

Also I have already tried to open the URL vstfs:///Build/Build/8320 on the server TFSBUILD which results in starting a Visual Studio instance and giving the error: The provided argument vstfs:///Build/Build/8320 must contain a query parameter named url which contains the full qualified URL to the Team Project Collection.

I have also tried to create a fresh new build and run this one - the same issue.

Has anyone got a clue what might be set up wrongly? I could not find any additional permission that should be granted to the build service account (standard network service account in my case).

Please notice that I am quite a newbie when it comes to setting up TFS. Thank you in advance for any hints.


1 Answers


First, please make sure you have followed the correct operation in Move Team Foundation Server from one environment to another.

To narrow down the issue you can:

  • Try to restart the build service on the build controller and agent and queue another build.
  • Use another build account not NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE and try again.

If you still get the error, try to use below workaround: delete the old build control and agent. Create a new one. Note: you may have to edit all build definitions to point to the new control and agent.