
I have configured Spring Boot to use Log4j2 according to this manual. I would like to filter all the logs by the level set in the Root logger. Here is my log4j2-spring.xml file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
        <Property name="LOG_PATTERN">%d{HH:mm:ss.SSS} [%t] %-5level %logger{36} -s %msg%n</Property>
        <Console name="Console">
            <PatternLayout pattern="${LOG_PATTERN}"/>
        <File name="File" fileName="app.log">
            <PatternLayout pattern="${LOG_PATTERN}"/>
        <SMTP name="Mail"
            <ThresholdFilter level="ERROR" onMatch="ACCEPT"/>
            <PatternLayout pattern="${LOG_PATTERN}"/>
        <Root level="INFO">
            <AppenderRef ref="Console"/>
            <AppenderRef ref="File"/>
            <AppenderRef ref="Mail"/>

The problem is that I still see DEBUG output from hibernate and spring framework. I managed to filter individual logs by specifying full package names for some entries like this:

    <Logger name="org.springframework.boot.context.web" level="INFO" />
    <Root level="INFO">
        <AppenderRef ref="Console"/>
        <AppenderRef ref="File"/>
        <AppenderRef ref="Mail"/>

However of course it's not feasible to do it for all the packages. Thanks for any help!


1 Answers


Finally fixed it. The problem was that I had a line debug=true in application.properties file and the filter in log4j2-spring.xml config was simply ignored.