I am instantiating a leaflet map, but the tiles are basically being scattered all over the page - while the map is within a div, most of the tiles are not respecting that boundary:
<div class="widget-content listing-search-map-widget-content">
<div class="ih-map"
data-centerpoint="38.573955 -121.442478"
The javascript comes down to:
mapOptions = {
attributionControl: true,
center: {
lat: 38.573955
lng: -121.442478
centerpoint: "38.573955,-121.442478",
layers: {},
maptype: "Terrain",
scrollWheelZoom: false,
zoom: 8
var map = L.map( "Map_5333811_16", mapOptions );
What would cause the tiles to plot all over the place?a couple of tiles are within the bounds of the div, but not the rest of them. You can see a screenshot of what happens here: