I've created some chained select-boxes dynamically from JSON data which I will receive from server. The chaining/cascading works in a way that every select-box is a named object with following properties:
- Parent Attribute: Name of object which is the parent of this select-box object.
Options: Array of option objects, where each object contains: (a) Option Value (b) Parent Option Value - The parent select-box value with which the current value is mapped. (c) Option ID.
Selected Option: An object with two properties: (a) Currently selected value (b) ID of currently selected value.
I am creating select-boxes using ng-repeat in "option" tag, or using ng-option in "select" tag, and then I am using a custom filter where I filter the retrieved options (2) by matching the parent option value (2 > b) of the option values (2 > a) with the "currently selected value" (3 > a) of its parent object. Basically doing many-to-one mapping from child option values to selected parent value using a custom filter.
I am able to correctly map the parent-child select-boxes, but the issue is when I change the parent select-box value, the "selected option value" of its child object doesn't update (the child selected item doesn't grab the first item in the filtered list, causing the grandchild drop-down to not update.)[1]
Is there any way that if parent value changes, the child select-box (and the subsequent children/grandchildren) is initialized with the first option value instead of the current blank value?
Here is the working plunker. (ng-repeat implementation). Will really appreciate any help.
Here is the another plunker with ng-options implementation.
HTML (ng-repeat):
<div ng-repeat="selection in vm.selectionData">
<div ng-repeat="(key, attribute) in selection.attributes">
<select class="form-control" ng-model="attribute.selectedOption.name">
<option ng-repeat="option in attribute.options | optionFilter : selection.attributes[attribute.parentAttr]">{{option.name}}</option>
HTML (ng-options):
<div ng-repeat="selection in vm.selectionData">
<div ng-repeat="(key, attribute) in selection.attributes">
<select ng-model="attribute.selectedOption" ng-options="attribute.name for attribute in (attribute.options | optionFilter : selection.attributes[attribute.parentAttr]) track by attribute.id">
myApp.filter('optionFilter', function() {
return function(items, parent) {
var result = [];
if (parent) {
for (var i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {
console.log(items[0].parent, parent.selectedOption.name);
if (items[i].parent === parent.selectedOption.name) {
return result;
} else {
return items;
myApp.controller("MyCtrl", function($scope) {
this.selectionData = [{
selectionType: "Geography",
attributes: {
country: {
parentAttr: "none",
options: [{
name: "India",
parent: "None",
id: 1
}, {
name: "Bangladesh",
parent: "None",
id: 2
}, {
name: "Afganistan",
parent: "None",
id: 3
selectedOption: {
name: "India",
id: 1
state: {
parentAttr: "country",
options: [{
name: "Rajasthan",
parent: "India",
id: 1
}, {
name: "Haryana",
parent: "India",
id: 2
}, {
name: "Dhaka",
parent: "Bangladesh",
id: 3
}, {
name: "Kabul",
parent: "Afganistan",
id: 4
selectedOption: {
name: "Rajasthan",
id: 1
city: {
parentAttr: "state",
options: [{
name: "Kota",
parent: "Rajasthan",
id: 1
}, {
name: "Sirsa",
parent: "Haryana",
id: 2
}, {
name: "Alwar",
parent: "Rajasthan",
id: 3
}, {
name: "Gurgaon",
parent: "Haryana",
id: 4
}, {
name: "Kabul",
parent: "Kabul",
id: 5
name: "Dhaka",
parent: "Dhaka",
id: 6
selectedOption: {
name: "Kota",
id: 1