
I've made a fresh install of WSO2 API Manager 2.0.0 on a google cloud VM. I can login fine into my carbon console and access the publisher root.

When I try to login into my publisher console (https://{my_ip}:9443/publisher) I get the following error Error! Transport level information does not match with SOAP Message namespace URI.

Are you able to login to the Store - https://{my_ip}:9443/store. Can you provide the full stacktrace by editing the questionjdk1.7
Can you replace "localhost" with google cloud VM's public ip address from the <PRODUCT_HOME>/repository/conf/api-manager.xml and see.lmanohara
Weird thing is that, after i disabled again CSRFPreventionConfig, it worked. I guess I need to chose better the pattern to apply, the default ones aren`t enough.Ciro Vivacqua
@CiroVivacqua : Can you please clearly state the solution, so that, it will be helpful for others.Abimaran Kugathasan
Since I'm doing a pillot project, I disabled CSRFPreventionConfig and it worked. Of course, in production mode I'll have to go deeper and change the default pattern accordingly.Ciro Vivacqua

1 Answers


I am having the same issue. Had to disable CSRFPreventionConfig, too. Someone should open a ticket in WSO2 Jira.

To disable CSRFPreventionConfig, open carbon.xml (<wso2am-home>/repository/conf) and set the boolean value of the Enabled tag to false:

            <!-- Set below to true to enable the CSRFPreventionFilter -->
            <!-- Url Pattern to skip application of CSRF protection-->