I'm trying to build my Angular 2 TypeScript asp.net core project in Visual Studio 2015, but what I see is:
Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State Error TS1005 Build:'(' expected. MExplore C:\Users\Piotrek\documents\visual studio 2015\Projects\MProjects\MExplore\wwwroot\lib\@angular\core\esm\src\linker\query_list.d.ts 36
Error TS1005 Build:'(' expected. MExplore C:\Users\Piotrek\documents\visual studio 2015\Projects\MProjects\MExplore\wwwroot\lib\@angular\compiler\esm\src\output\output_interpreter.d.ts 7
Error TS1005 Build:'(' expected. MExplore C:\Users\Piotrek\documents\visual studio 2015\Projects\MProjects\MExplore\wwwroot\lib\@angular\compiler\esm\src\output\output_interpreter.d.ts 8
Error TS1005 Build:'(' expected. MExplore C:\Users\Piotrek\documents\visual studio 2015\Projects\MProjects\MExplore\wwwroot\lib\@angular\compiler\esm\src\output\output_interpreter.d.ts 9
Error TS1005 Build:'(' expected. MExplore C:\Users\Piotrek\documents\visual studio 2015\Projects\MProjects\MExplore\wwwroot\lib\@angular\common\esm\src\forms-deprecated\model.d.ts 53
Error TS1005 Build:'(' expected. MExplore C:\Users\Piotrek\documents\visual studio 2015\Projects\MProjects\MExplore\wwwroot\lib\@angular\common\esm\src\forms-deprecated\model.d.ts 98
Error TS1005 Build:'(' expected. MExplore C:\Users\Piotrek\documents\visual studio 2015\Projects\MProjects\MExplore\wwwroot\lib\@angular\common\esm\src\forms-deprecated\model.d.ts 52
and so on...
So, the basic pattern of what those 3743 errors look like is:
Build: '[something]' expected.
And files that problem happens always end with *.d.ts
I thought that it was a problem with typings, but I have proper reference in my bootstraper (main.ts
///<reference path="./../../typings/globals/core-js/index.d.ts"/>
and those references inside:
/// <reference path="globals/core-js/index.d.ts" />
/// <reference path="globals/jasmine/index.d.ts" />
/// <reference path="globals/node/index.d.ts" />
I used it many times before and it worked...
I also use gulp ('gulp-typescript') to compile typescript to javascript and copy it to other place. It works well and no errors are shown. So maybe there are no problems with my code itself, but rather I configured something incorrectly in Visual Studio?
What do you think?