Hoping i can get a solution for the following undesired behavior: I'm running Wordpress 4.5.3 with Woocommerce 2.6.4. I also have installed WooCommerce Payment Gateway Based Fees 2.2.16. This plugin allows me to add PayPal fees at checkout time.
I'm also as a default not allowing cash checkout.
The problem I have is that if a user uses a coupon that makes their total zero...I would have expected intuitively that i) PayPal fees would not be showing ii) you could simply place the order to checkout.
Neither is happening.
So I instead decided to enable cash checkout and automatically disable it -- ( using unset(), could not figure out a way of setting a gateway only unsetting ) -- if the cart total was equal to the PayPal fee using this hook: woocommerce_available_payment_gateways. This would at least allow them to checkout without the only option being the PayPal gateway.
Problem is that I have still not figured out how to stop the PayPal fees from showing and being added to the total.
Any guidance / help much appreciated