
I have a problem with calculating CPC in Tableau. I have the cost and the number of the click but Tableau is not calculating the right CPC. the formula I used : [Cost]/[Click] I attached two tables in this request. first shows the table which I calculated all KPIs in Zeppelin. the second the calculation in Tableau.

The whole data set has many null and 0 values, but it is the same data set used in zeppelin.

May I ask for help,how to solve this issue?
enter image description here
The result of CPC is not correct in Tableau.

The zeppelin image has not been uploaded here, but according to the T Tableau table, if I divide the cost/click : 76.25/67 it should become 1.13. How ever it is not true in Tableau.HELENA AHMADI
My hypothesis would be, the CPC is calculating the average CPC for each row, and since lots of null data is available , these 0s influence on the total CPCHELENA AHMADI
What happens if you do sum([cost])/sum([click])?Bernardo
I second @Bernardo's suggestion. That's what I ended up doing with Google Analytics data and it matched the CPC value shown in the GA reporting site.Sam M

2 Answers



the issue is that Tableau is using aggregate functions when you add measures, and in this case of CPC calculation, it's not correct.

Tableau is doing [cost]/[click] division (on row-level) and then simply averages all those numbers (you are basically calculating an average of an already average number).

What you are after is a bit different and you have to fix the math to make sure all costs are aggregated first and then divided by sum of all clicks, so:

SUM([cost]) / SUM([clicks])

This will give you the correct and mathematically sound numbers.

Hope this helps.


SUM([cost]) / SUM([clicks]) will resolve the issue