
i am running solr 6.1.0 on windows server 2008 R2. using windows command, i am able to start the solr also able to create core from the Admin GUI (http://localhost:8983/solr/#/), all working fine until i restart.

when restart using commnad window "D:\mydir\solr>bin\solr restart -p 8983" then goback to browser http://localhost:8983/solr/#/ and refresh the core i have created are missing, But the Core Folders are exist in the solr home folder.

anybody know how to stop cores deleted?

Having the same issue. Tried both solr cloud and standalone. For the standalone configuration, I am able to run solr, create core, import data via DIH, and start making queries. Everything works fine until I re-start it. I am on Amazon Linux AMI, tried Solr 6.0.1, 6.3.0, 6.4.1. All failed to restart. And yes, I only have one core, and started solr from the same location sudo service solr start. After restart, I can not find any core in "Core Admin". But I can select my previous core in "Core Selector". Only that after selecting it, an error message "Connection to Solr lost" showsuser2868104

2 Answers


Are you sure the first Solr start and the second used the same home? If you started the first time with bin\solr start -e examplename , then your home might be in a different location depending on the example chosen. Restarting Solr without example information uses the default server location.

Try starting solr with bin\solr start -s path_to_home and see if the cores are found then.


Do You have multiple cores in your solr-Installation?

If yes, check the core.properties for duplicate "name"-Attribute.

Also check your solr log files for errors regarding CorePropertiesLocator.