
I'm trying to build an Android app on Delphi XE6 and I created a project for a FireMonkey Mobile Application. It opens a Unit1.pas but I can't seem to find the form so I can display the objects. I tried to press F12 like I did when I worked with VCL forms.

It looks like this:


Does anyone know how I can make the Form appear?


2 Answers


This is a plain UNIT, not a FORM.

Delete the unit from the project and add a form. This is a form:

enter image description here

Use, File / New / Multi-Device Form.

enter image description here



The problem was I had Embedded Designer set to false, and FireMonkey forms only work with this option set to true. If Embedded Designer is false, FireMonkey forms will only appear as plain units.

On Delphi XE6 (wich I'm currently using), to change this option it's needed to change the value of the registry key and set the Embedded Desginer value to true.

In the Registry Editor follow the path:

    HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Embarcadero\BDS\14.0\Form Design        

    //set the option to true
    "Embedded Designer" (REG_SZ) = "True"