As the changes of cocoapods 1.0.0.beta.1 say "Localized interface files (XIB, Storyboard) using Base Internationalization - Base.lproj/Main.xib and en.lproj/Main.strings are represented as a variant group named Main.xib" and as far as cocoapods 1.0.0.beta.1 "Special case interface files to use the XIB or Storyboard name for the variant group when using Base Internationalization."
I refer to the demo and use resource_bundles to organize my resources on my podspecs.
s.resource_bundles = {
'Resources' => ['LocalizationDemo/LocalizationDemo/Resources/**/*.{lproj,storyboard}']
and my cocoapods version is 1.0.1 but the directories result is
It's not the result directories which I expected and the interface internationalization don't work. Cloud anyone show me a correct usage or demo?
ADD: I use import/export localization by xcode before be pod to other projects. and I want it's could work by imported xliff files directly instead of add the IBOutlet or a subclass for UI controls.